Hello, my name is Orhalla Zander and my goal is to show people whom
find Blender
intimidating that it is actually very user friendly.
Blender is a common 3d modeling application used to make Sculpties.
The following notecard will contain the Prerequisites, Time/Location,
Content, and Contact Info about my Courses.
I really need ya'll to check that you meet these requirements, b/c I
cannot stop to
help you and I will seem like a jackass because I'm only catering to
the people whom
have checked the following and are ready to learn the program.
BEFORE YOU ATTEND MY COURSE, you must make sure you meet these requirements:
1.) Have Blender installed. You can download it at.....
2.) Have the newest Domino Designs Scripts Installed. These scripts give you
instant meshes in Blender that are Second Life compatible. You can
download this
at.... http://dominodesigns.info/manuals/primstar/downloads
Choose the Recommended Download.
When you Download this file you need to unzip to the appropriate location.
Vista- C:\Users\"YOU"\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation
XP- C:\Documents and Settings\"YOU"\Application Data\Blender Foundation
Mac- I don't know how to use a Mac.
3.) Test that Blender works on your PC & Test that the Dominos Designs scripts
work by going to the top menu and choosing... Add/Mesh/Sculpt Mesh
If you don't see Sculpt Mesh in your options there... then your
Dominos Designs is
not installed correctly.
4.) Test that Blender works while SL is open.... because I'll be
teaching Blender
From SL. Some people's machines arn't strong enough to run both Blender and
Second Life.
5.) Have Voice Enabled to HEAR ME. I don't care if you don't want to
talk, you don't
have to. However, I will be doing the class in voice to save time.
It's much faster
for me compared to me typing everything out.
*************************WHEN AND WHERE***************************
Class will be starting Fridays at 5pm SLT somewhere on Hobo Island.
I'll randomly
make a platform somewhere and send out the SLURL. Here's the LM to
the Island, but I'll probably setup in the sky somewhere.
September 4th
September 11th
September 18th
It is this time because it's a utilitarian choice. Most people will
be off work on the
West Coast in the USA; it'll be evening for me on the USA East Coast; several
Europeans that wish to learn this program will have to adjust their
sleep slightly for
one night on the weekend. Aussies may have to wake up earlier. :P
September 4th - This course will be about 1-2 hours long depending on how many
people show and the ammount of content.
I will go over the basic interface of blender:
Camera Controls
Adding Meshes
Vertice Selection
Rendering your UV Image
September 11th - This course will be about an hour long.
I'll show you how to make cloth that drapes over a box which you then
could drape over anything you imagined like a couch.
I'll also show you how to tack cloth while it hangs as if by nails.
September 18th - This course will also be around an hour long.
I'll show you how to make a sculptie look like it's multiple
sculpties. Similar to the 1 prim ladders you may have seen where the
side rails and all the steps are still 1 prim.
************************WHO TO CONTACT????*************************
You can contact me.... Orhalla Zander. Feel free to send an IM.